3 Guidelines For Living Sustainably

Incorporating eco-friendly practices into your everyday lifestyle and values is actually much easier than it may sound at first. On a personal level, there are numerous steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and waste. There are also several ways, in your professional life, to build an ecofriendly business. Regardless of where you are looking to introduce these changes, here are some suggestions to guide you.

1. Recycle Paper

Whether you are thinking from a business or personal perspective, recycling paper products is a sustainable practice worth putting time and effort into. You may not be conscious of how much paper you throw away, but by recycling junk mail, notebooks, gift wrap, and more, you will make a difference. Part of this step also involves reducing your usage of paper products in general. For example, many households use paper towels for cleaning. With options such as reusable towels and even just old clothing items, you can achieve the same end without having to throw anything away.

2. Reduce Waste

Waste reduction is an incredibly important part of sustainable living. Think about the plastic bags that hold your produce or groceries, as well as single-use plastics, such as plastic silverware and cups. While these items may seem convenient in the short-run, they can be damaging to the environment over a long period of time. These kinds of waste just accumulate in landfills and can easily be avoided by you as the consumer. Consider paper grocery bags, reusable totes, and even wooden utensils as available alternatives to the single-use plastics you may normally be inclined to use.

3. Conserve Energy

Saving energy is a practice that benefits the environment in a way that you cannot directly observe, but makes a positive impact regardless. Basic habits, like hang drying your clothing and turning off lights, actually contribute to lower power plant emissions which, in turn, help the environment. To take this step even further, try replacing your lightbulbs with energy-efficient alternatives. These will guarantee a reduction in electricity usage and as an additional benefit, these bulbs tend to last longer!

In your journey to making your personal and professional life more sustainable, you can start with small steps and work your way up. Being environmentally conscious does not mean that you have to immediately alter your entire lifestyle. Instead, like these guidelines show, even simple contributions will make an enormous impact.

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