6 Things To Look For In A Business Mentor

When you’re setting out on the exhilarating journey that is building your own business empire, you don’t have to do it alone. Don’t let yourself fall into the all-consuming and isolating trap that can be entrepreneurship.

When you were dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur, who did you look up to? Why? Find the mentor that works for you and benefit from their insight, advice, and second pair of eyes.

Here are 6 things to look for in a business mentor.


To begin with, getting help from a mentor can be casual. Have coffee together and go over business plans. Ask questions and gain resources through social media messaging. Keep things low-key and develop a trusting relationship with your business mentor before committing to a more serious and consistent consulting.

A Listening Ear

You should be looking for a business mentor, not a business partner. Find someone who is willing to listen to your plans, concerns, and successes before getting involved. A good mentor is a sounding board and a steer in the right direction.

Tough Love

Starting out with a casual mentor-to-mentee relationship is smart, but it shouldn’t stay there long. A business mentor should develop a tough love attitude, consistently pushing you to improve while maintaining respect. This kind of formal relationship is the difference between the expertise of a business mentor and the advice of friends and family.


Just like constructive criticism, the encouragement you should be receiving from a mentor is also more meaningful than those of friends and family. It happens in context and comes from someone with experience in the profession.


Find a mentor that has time for you. As an entrepreneur, you’ll be busy enough. If someone you know personally can’t spare the time to be up-to-date on the details of your journey, there are other resources. SCORE, for example, is free online mentoring and counseling for small-business owners with a strong track record.

Meets Your Needs

It all comes down to a business mentor that will meet your needs. Find someone that will focus on your expressed concerns, meet on your time, and respect your boundaries.

For more advice on business plans and other aspects of business finances and operations, get in touch with Muth Capital at 914-999-2855.

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